On Location Music Photography
On Location Music Photography



Personal Branding Photography On Location Photography Lifestyle Photography Post Production Retouching GIFs


Music Photography

On Location Music and Personal Branding Photography for singer songwriter client liv. including stop motion animations of the live performance at Bethel Woods Center of the Arts. These will serve liv. in her social media presence and website, press releases about the event and in the active promotion/exposure via my reels on instagram. I'm so grateful to get the chance to work with this entire band.

liv. covers Melanie live on the Horizon Stage at Bethel Woods on July 5, 2024 at the pre show for Joan Jett and Alanis Morissette. It was magical.

.Lead Singer - liv. ‪@livdotmusic‬  

Keyboard, Acoustic Guitar & Background Vocals - Annamarie Rosanio ‪@AnnamarieRosanio‬

Guitar - Francisco Mena @fmenamusic

Drums - Jeremy Truitt @jcstruitt

Bass - Seth Masten

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